Public Health
San Bernardino County, California

Become a Proctor


Food Protection Manager Certification Exam
Please be aware that StateFoodSafety is only accepting proctors from active industry and regulatory clients at this time. No independent proctors will be approved.

If your employer is a StateFoodSafety client and you would like to become a proctor, complete these three simple steps:

  • Register—Enter the voucher code provided by your employer and create an account to access the Proctor Training Course.
  • Train—Complete the free Proctor Training Course and pass the assessment. The whole process only takes about 25 minutes.
  • Apply—Fill out and submit the application form online. Once approved, you can begin to create exam sessions and proctor exams.
If your employer is partnered with StateFoodSafety and you do not have a voucher code to access the Proctor Training course, please call (801) 494-1416 or email